Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Ice Cold Beer!

We took a trip down the memory lane with the friends who just flew into town. They needed to get some items at the Apple store, so we went with them. Then we took a stroll to Emerald Hill and had afternoon drinks at Ice Cold Beer

OMG has it been around this long? Like two decades???! We hadn't been here for ages!!! The decor and interiors remain the same. Nothing has changed. Well, we have changed and we can no longer drink as much as we used to. But a pint each is still fine. Nobody's getting drunk before 5pm. We had a dinner to get to with other friends and sobriety is required since there would be more alcohol later on. Hahaha.

The table ordered ICB wings and pizza. Hahaha. Goodness. How would they squeeze in dinner?! Isn't indigestion a concern nowadays? I wasn't going to have those. Ugh. I only took a nibble from the man's portion. They aren't bad, but pizza and wings aren't my favorite things. I assiduously avoid them.

We sat outdoors of course. It was a very cloudy day. If it rained, it certainly didn't rain in this locale. It was bloody humid but at least the sun wasn't blazing. The cloud cover made the heat somewhat bearable. We took a table right by the door where the cool air curtain reached us still. Heh. 

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