Thursday, April 06, 2023

Overnight Oats in a Jar

Ran out of rolled oats and didn't bother to do overnight oats for a bit. I was too lazy to use steel cut oats. Must boil lah. Hahaha. I finally threw in a pack into the last delivery of groceries. Now I have rolled oats. 

Regular rolled oats will do. Although we switch around with different brands, I don't bother with those labeled 'organic'. I honestly can't tell the difference in taste and erm... mouthfeel. Hahaha.

Made a few jars for breakfast over the week for the man. I like mine as brunch. Or even as lunch. As long as you like cold things, you could throw in anything you like. The man likes his soaked in low-sugar soy milk over full cream milk. I dislike soy and prefer the full whammy of a rich Japanese milk. He wants peanut butter, I don't. He puts in a tablespoon of maple syrup, I do half a tablespoon. 

We must always have fruits in it. That's the deal breaker. It doesn't feel like a luxurious jar without fruits. Strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, dragonfruit...... whatever. Bananas are standard inclusions since they provide extra protein and potassium and can fill tummies. A generous amount of chia seeds and nuts are a must. I don't need to soak the nuts, and I could simply top up with granola the next day. The man doesn't totally care about granola in his jar.

The man counts the calories that a jar of overnight oats provide. He said the Lumen measured it as a total of 700-800 calories consumed. ½ cup of rolled oats amounts to 140 calories. The rest of the ingredients will top up the necessary calories. So I guess this jar is a fairly substantial breakfast for him.

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