Friday, April 14, 2023

Smol Girl Goes To Many Places

I have been toting the Smol Girl around everywhere. Well, she's only 7kg, very tot-able and very quiet. She's also very adorable. Importantly, her quiet temperament and easy nature make her the perfect companion to the daily tasks as long as the venues (and my clients' offices) accommodate her. She's very proud to be out and about with her Momma, and DGAF about other floofs or humans. Mostly. 

I don't know if Choya tries to make me happy. She tries so hard to gain my approval — she wants to do everything according to my expectations. And those mostly center on her behavior at home and outside, and her optimum gut health. 

That day, she came to a new-ish studio with me in the morning, as well as a meeting at the office. Then we went out for lunch in the area. Didn't book a table at anywhere of course. I'd be just early enough to avoid the bulk of the CBD lunch crowds. Found a restaurant and asked for a table for one. Didn't mention anything about a dog. They can obviously see her. Hahaha. She settled down to watch the world go by, and then snoozed. Nobody noticed her unless they really looked. A thick glass of iced green tea and an easy negitoro-don hit the spot.

Smol Girl has come to be a perfect fit for my lifestyle (it isn't magic; it's both positive training and reinforcement, time, and bonding), and my personality. The man is very tickled by us — he says that somehow, Choya has taken on many of my personality traits. Dohhhh. She is Momma's girl after all. I've finally come to love this Smol Girl. She's like my little heart trotting around.  


coboypb said...

😍 happy to read this. You two make each other happy!

imp said...
