Wednesday, May 03, 2023

'Fridge Dinners'!

I don't always stock a full fridge to cook a meal, unless you call spam or instant noodles 'real food'. I might have meats or such, but those require thawing out and wouldn't be able to be ready in a jiffy. On occasion, I have more substantial items. If I use these to do meals, it's usually in the evenings when the man or I don't feel like going out to eat or if we simply have no cravings. I call these 'fridge dinners' because I simply use whatever ingredients I have in the fridge, do an easy prep, and dinner would be ready in an hour.  

That night, it was a stormy evening at ours. Sianz. We had a heavy lunch, had no cravings for dinner, and didn't feel like going out to anywhere either. Felt soooo lazy. We were going to get takeout, but I took a look at the fridge shelves. Took stock of the 'situation. There was some stuff, edible. I decided to get off my lazy ass and did a 'fridge dinner'. Heh! #ImpieCooks2023

The chiller had Fuzhou fishballs and a strip of egg tofu. I wanted my fluffy rice. A Chu collagen chicken soup in a frozen block would boil fast in the pot. Added Fuzhou fishballs to it. Sprinkled pepper and just a touch of salt. That was really tasty and filling soup for the man. I only wanted a bit of soup with the rice and my egg tofu. 

The man didn't need carbs. He needed protein. Thawed out scallops and (cooked) prawns to sear them in butter for him. Filled in his plate with off tofu. Added tiny heirloom tomatoes. That worked perfectly for a dose of protein. He still stole 80g of my fluffy white sticky rice though. Ooof. Dinner wasn't too shabby! 

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