Tuesday, June 06, 2023


Watched contemporary Thai post-modern dance theatre under the umbrella of Singapore International Festival of the Arts (SIFA)'SIFA X: INTERMISSION' directed by Thanapol Virulhakul. In collaboration with the Bangkok International Performing Arts Meeting (BIPAM) and Georgetown Festival, the two main performers are veteran Thai folk music master and Lanna arts and culture champion Champa Saenprom and contemporary dancer Vidura Amranand. They are also joined by director Thanapol Virulhakul who performed alongside.

To be honest, the Thai folk music portion was so little that it really didn't matter that the blurb mentioned it. In fact, the way the blurb wrote about this performance led me to have a different expectation of the show. This is not a dance. It would have been more accurate to describe it as a performance of experimental theatre that involves movement, folk music, multi-media and props. At the end of the show, all the crew got onto stage, making it a total of seven performers to close the show. It was really cute.

I was a bit lost midway through. It's supposed to flag Thailand's socio-political structure and its recent election emotions — "A single dancing body portrays how political power relates to each individual. // assert the potential of art as resistance against the powers that be." Resistance. I struggled really hard to decipher that in the performance. 

Towards the end of the performance.
From SIFA's fb post.

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