Friday, July 28, 2023

Braised Chicken & Lupcheong In The Rice Cooker

I haven't done this one-pot rice for a bit because the man wasn't going big on carbs, and this plate at dinner would bust every count he's doing. But he asked for it that day. Okay can. He wanted them preserved sausages too. Cabbage with dried shrimps and fish sauce and chilli padi, and lupcheong rice with chicken.

Soaked the dried scallops, mushrooms and oysters for the afternoon to soften them, and I'll pour this liquid into the rice later. Soaked the dried shrimps separately. Finished up all my stash of Wo Hing lupcheong and yuncheong for this meal, and put the new ones recently bought in Hong Kong in May into the storage boxes. I had no time to go to Wo Hing or other shops in Sheung Wan, or those further out. I bought this batch of preserved sausages from Wing Wah (榮華).

Trimmed the fat off of the bone-in chicken thighs. Marinated them for a bit in dark soy and light soy. Then I seared them and placed the half-cooked thighs into the rice cooker. This protein was pretty much for the man. I wanted the skin though. Heh. #ImpieCooks2023

I usually do one yuncheong and two lupcheong. Today, I did two yuncheong and three lupcheong, because I wanted to taste the new ones from Wing Wah. It was a mountain of preserved sausages. Hahaha. I did wonder if tossing all the preserved sausages into the rice cooker would be too oily. I should have steamed it separately. Aiyah, never mind. I didn't put the braising liquid for the chicken into the rice. Neither did I add salt. It should be fine.  

I used brown rice, so I knew it would take 90 minutes in the rice cooker. With ingredients in the rice cooker, white jasmine rice should take a lot shorter, maybe 45-55 minutes? Basmati is usually done in 30-40 minutes. When it was 10 minutes to the rice being ready, I tossed up the cabbage. Half a head of cabbage at $4 from the supermarket is usually a portion for us too. We love cabbage, but stir-frying a whole head is too much lah. Fish sauce and cabbage is always a winner. We like it spicy, so two chilli padi went in. We used to do three or four. Crazy riiight. Hahaha. Two is just nice. If we have guests over, we just put one.

Dinner turned out fairly well! Not too oily and definitely not salty. Sambal belachan accompanied the meal. So tasty. I shall steam up lupcheong again soon in the donabe, and add some bok choy to do myself a proper one-portion 'claypot' rice.

Of course a dollop of homemade sambal belachan went along with this plate.

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