Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Canchita with the Ms!

We finally matched all of our schedules to get together for dinner to celebrate M's birthday at Canchita. Took a 6pm seating because we weren't keen on the 8pm slot. As our schedules shift, we're now all happier to eat earlier rather than later. 

We ordered a few specials of the month in the ceviche carretilla (red snapper) with calamari and chifles, white corn with potatoes and three fun Peruvian sauces (huancaina, ocopa and rocoto), and I had to have the Peruvian beef heart skewers with grilled beef tripe and baby corn

Added on a skewer of Westholme beef, a cooked salad of white and green asparagus with tomatoes, pumpkin cheese and almonds, and a grilled octopus tentacle with beans and quinoa and avocado mayo. 

We had bigger bites, but we definitely had to share. We can no longer do a main each. Of course we had to have fish tacos (barramundi)! Then we shared a delicious prawn bisque pasta with eggs and shrimps and crispy garlic; it came topped with a grilled sea bass fillet. The table loved that fish skin.

We managed to get to dessert! A tres leche that came with a candle and doubled up as the 'birthday cake' for M, and we had to have the chocolate chilli cake with chocolate sauce and hazelnut crunch. It was a splendid meal with even better company and conversation.

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