Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bath Time For These Floofs!

When Maya and Ivy's pawrents are gobsmacked with a newborn human and a brand new schedule, it's very tough to have oversight over everything. They finally asked if I know a groomer who could come over to help out with the floofs. 

I don't. Didn't bother to ask around. I prefer to send Choya out to trusted groomers. It's an experience for her, and now that we have found this spacious salon that she's comfortable at, I'd rather have her go there. She likes all her Jie-Jies at Le Pawtory, and she finds it find that she can come upstairs to look for me after. I would be having my nails done! 

So I shifted Choya's grooming appointment slightly earlier, and also took Maya and Ivy along. Told their pawrents that they're very welcome to just hop along with us for the next few months till their sleep patterns and schedule shift, and become a tad less crazy. With three floofs in tow, I skipped GrabPet and requested for the salon to send along their little transport van. Bundled all the floofs (+ me) into the van and off we went. 

This is Maya and Ivy's first visit to Le Pawtory. Went well, methinks! Ivy is a tad timid and prone to excitement pees. OMG. When I first started picking her up to go gallivanting, she literally peed herself and all over her front door. Now she doesn't do that anymore. LOL So we need to control her emotions, and when she's with familiar people and floofs, it isn't so bad. Of course the trick is to pee her before we get up to the van, and after grooming. But in between, she might still trickle out a few drops. Zzzzzz. 

Although Choya only bathes once a month, it was no sweat for Choya to be bathed again after two weeks. It isn't too drying. The important thing is to get her brushed and de-shed. Her shedding is quite spectacular now, and I can't do it properly at home even with the vacuum deshedding brush. It also coincidentally matched Maya's shedding too. Hahaha. These three floofs have undercoats. The weather triggers their shedding. Everyone got a thorough combing-out of their undercoat. 

After two hours, we had everyone's nails clipped, butt fur and fur at the paw pads trimmed, ears and teeth cleaned, thoroughly bathed, dried and brushed, and we were all set for the month! Everyone went home very pleased. There, less itching, girls. It's a great arrangement. Floofs get sorted with me there, and yet I'm not just waiting blindly. I get to have a manicure and a pedicure; the Macbook comes along when I need to get real work done, otherwise clearing emails on the phone works. Yay. On 'Spa Day', I feel really productive. Heh.

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