Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Champagne & Oysters

Hung out with N for a little bit in the early evening. Hadn't seen her for a bit and wanted to pop in for a short visit. She does love her champagne, so she finds any excuse to open up a bottle. Heh. Split a bottle of champagne with her. That was super welcomed. I do love a crisp glass of bubbly.

Told N I didn't need food, but she insisted on having oysters with our champagne. Alrighty! How very decadent. She's super hospitable and is one of those who really enjoys having people over at her home. I totally appreciate that, but it isn't something I can reciprocate because I'm not fond of prepping the house and home to have a party. Heh! N knows. She simply told me to hop over to hers anytime. Awwwwww.

She had the loveliest pack of frozen de-shelled Japanese oysters from Ishikawa いしかわ. She had earlier gifted me a pack too. I forgot to ask, but from its packaging and all, I think it should have been bought from 百万石物語・江戸本店. I love that shop! It sells all sorts of delicious things.

Eight oysters thawed out quick. Then N rustled up a super tasty snack. We had lightly steamed oysters layered in a ton of garlic and spring onions, and a dash of garlic oil used to crisp the garlic. These oysters were totally not for the faint-hearted. Ooh I loved the piquant mix! 

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