Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Choya's New Trick

My darling Smol Girl is trolling us. She has a new trick up her sleeves. Most times when she stops in her tracks and refuses to walk, she can be persuaded. This doesn't apply when she goes out to pee and thunder rolls. Thunder freezes her. Sometimes when she's being difficult, I would simply pick her up and walk in the direction I want. But on normal walks, she's okay. 

Recently, she simply doesn't want to move no matter what we do. Her daddy has to resort to carrying her. Luckily she's only 7kg and could be carried to walk a distance. I do the same to Ryo if he's petrified. But he's 16kg. That's a kettlebell I have to lug over a distance of say, 200m, that would weigh down heavier and heavier. 

Choya seems to enjoy being carried. She doesn't squirm in her Daddy's arms and make no attempts to leap out. Even her walkers have reported that she has a new habit since mid December doing this plop on the floor and sinking nails into ground and not moving; utterly okay with being carried up and away. 

What the. Have I unknowingly trained her to ask to be carried when she doesn't want to walk? When Daddy carried her a few times during a long walk at East Coast Park, she didn't seem to mind at all. After a distance, Daddy would put her down, and she would grudgingly continue walking, till her next "NO. I DON'T WANT TO WALK ANYMORE." It got a bit tiresome after a while though. Arrrrrrgh.

Aiyohhhh Smol Girl, what's up with you these few weeks? What are you suspicious of when we're outdoors? What are you detecting that is scaring you? What is that I don't know?


b.muse said...

Smol girl has clearly levelled up in her pawrent-training, LOL!!

imp said...