Friday, January 05, 2024

The Work Year Has Begun

I wasn't intending to do actual work or start on any new projects till next week or so. But a potential work project was mooted, and an impromptu meet meant that the pet-friendly Plain Meredith at the brand new One Holland Village mall was ideal because I was already out with Choya and this was near the clients' office. 

I had no intention of checking out this pet-friendly cafe because, well, as nice as the decor is, it's still a pet cafe, and the food will be middling. However, the clients own dogs too, and understood that I'd be hard pressed to meet now if I have a dog alongside. The only way I could do now was the clients agreeing to meet at a pet-friendly cafe. I work with extremely short and tight deadlines, so I have got no problems with clients wanting 'now'. 

Luckily I was in casual but respectable clothing for a first meet with potential clients! I didn't go home to change, obviously. I just toddled down from where I was earlier at One North. Was wearing fun earrings gifted by J from Teeteeheehee. Do excuse my wrinkled pants. I don't own an iron at home and I can't be bothered to steam all my clothes that require some straightening out. I'm not that fastidious. 

Heaved a sigh of relief when I stepped into Plain Meredith at 11am. It was empty. LOL The lunch crowd would come slightly later. A week day morning meant that we could have a chat in fairly quiet surroundings and air-conditioning. Word of warning — don't bother coming here for actual food and coffee if your table doesn't include a dog. The menu isn't particularly delicious. 

Smol Girl sat quietly with me. The clients were stunned by her demeanour and poise. They couldn't believe that she carried herself so well. Ahemmm. I think she clinched me this work project. Hurrah. An unexpected welcomed deal when I work freelance. Oof. I signed the contract there and then for three pieces of work, with the first one due in 48 hours. Good job, Choya. I'll get you a beautiful piece of grass-fed tenderloin. 


coboypb said...

Love your attire! Comfy and presentable. So nice that Choya could accompany you :)

imp said...

Luckily for me! otherwise i'm usually in leggings and a tee. hehehe.