Saturday, February 10, 2024

I Turned 46 🥃

Two February babies marking the month.

My lunar birthday is on the third day of the New Year. Thank goodness nobody needs to know about it or mark that since we only do one date on the Gregorian calendar. Nowadays, I'm not particularly bothered that my birthday usually falls within the Lunar New Year period because I no longer fulfil anyone else's expectations to visit people whom I don't care for. 

I used to resent it so much if my birthday falls on the eve (除夕) or Day 1 / Day 2 of the Lunar New Year. If I hadn't learnt to say NO, I would ironically have to spend my birthday with irrelevant people who don't feature largely in my life. I didn't have a choice back then. Now I do. The moment I turned 30 years old, I began not giving a fuck about what people think of my decisions. I never really did; I was 'giving face' to the elders. Now, fuck it. They can think all they want, but they aren't the one dealing with the fallout. They get their happy and 'face' from people turning up; they neither care nor understand what it costs the other party. 

This year, February 9th is on the last day of the Year of the Rabbit, and the eve of the Year of the Dragon. I'm quite laissez-faire about it. I don't want any sort of dinners or parties. I don't need any fancy gifts or flourishes. I need mundane, steady and predictable. I don't want to have to handle things that explode in my face.  

However, the busy festivities this year would also mean friends are absolved of feeling obliged to mark the occasion. Which works for me. 生日而已,無需大費周章. At this age and phase in life, I'm very happy with a text or a coffee meet. Easy drinks and dinner if we find a common time or date. A few friends generously celebrated my 45th in advance.

This year, my birthday fell on the eve of the Lunar New Year. The weather cooperated and Smol Girl allowed me to have nine solid hours of sleep. Started the day with one last coffee of the Year of the Rabbit at Nylon before they close for the holidays. Then I spent it quietly at home. Before February 9th was over, I had a beautiful dram of Bowmore 25 y.o for a nightcap.

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