Saturday, March 30, 2024

Aiming to Get The Body Fat Percentage to 20%

I was in a fitness funk, and also indulged in too much pasta and Japanese and Korean white rice. The weight crept up. I could feel the clothes getting tight. I was horrified to read 53.7kg on the scales. I am able to lift heavier, but I know I need to drop the weight. Before I do that, I must know the current muscle mass versus body fat. The Evolt 360 body composition analyzer told me all that. 

The health metrics don't lie. Instead of just looking at one's weight, the bioelectrical impedance analysis is a much better gauge of all health metrics. You can be really light and skinny, but without strength and muscle mass. That's not what I want. 

My current body fat percentage stands at 23.6%. Although the stats say it's optimal, I'm working to drop it to an ideal 20%. There's no way I can get it to 18% like before because that involves some strict dieting and insane hours of working out. But 20% is achievable. With that, I'm hoping to drop the weight to 50kg too.

I'm also going to eat a lot less carbs. I love carbs; not abandoning them, but I can't eat them the way I did. It was a bit much, honestly. The BFF snidely said not to drop that much weight because without fats, we're just going to look haggard since our ageing skin is losing elasticity too. Thanks ah. What is it that they say? Ohhhh, 'everything's sagging'.

Okay, back to the grind. This means streamlining the diet again, upping cardio and lifting a bit heavier at strength training.

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