Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Pack Walks in a Wagon

On walks and outings, Choya has been in Obstinate Shiba Mode for months now. She is extremely assertive about where she wants to walk. This has extended into her small pack walks as well. I'm soooo embarrassed that her walkers have resorted to taking a small wagon out for Choya.

I can't be more grateful to have this set of walkers for Choya. Given her obstinacy, another set of walkers might have dragged her—giving her friction burns on her paws, or smacked her into submission, causing PTSD. Worse, they could have jerked her harness till a rib fractures. She's turning 7 soon, and they understand senior dogs. Being ex vet-techs, of course they know what to do on walks if accidents happen. Importantly, they do care and they won't be cruel or mean to dogs in their care. They have taken Choya out for the past two years and she's been super happy. That tells me that they've been kind to her. 

We have ascertained that she is not in any sort of physical discomfort or joint pain. Once she's done with her toileting, she is ready to bounce and sniff, but on her terms. She simply refuses to walk in the direction(s) we want. Tugging at her leash firmly doesn't help when she goes on all fours and nails herself to the ground.

Her walkers tell me that she now sits down whenever and stares at the wagon meaningfully when she doesn't want to walk and she wants to hop into the wagon. Se does clamber down when they get on to another spot with interesting scents. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pretziliv said...

Woof, walker is in pretty pink 😬

imp said...
