Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Come Again In A Few Months, Ryo!

Ryo's done with his long weekend staycations with us and is home with his pawrents. Heh. His pawrents said that from all our photos and reports, he totally had a fun vacation too! 

Tbh, his pawrents never ask us to take Ryo out while they're away. They would love for us to visit him at home, but taking him out is another matter, and having him stay over is a whole new ball game. They totally trust us with Ryo, but they feel that he's a bit of a handful to manage. 

I'm not hot about having a dog stay over for a full week. That would impede upon my schedule and activities. Unless I do this for a living or for a part-time income. We all know that having a second dog over isn't as easy as it seems. It's a lot more work to manage a reactive dog with anxieties. 

But Ryo's pawrents and I are firm friends. We see one another regularly. I like Ryo. I've watched him grow up and mature. This is a dog I see often, and I'm comfortable with him. He trusts me to handle him too. He doesn't quite dare to growl at me even if he's grouchy. Most importantly, he gets along with Choya at home and has impeccable manners at home. Completely house-trained. Gosh, his 家教 is excellent. That's not to say that he and Choya won't squabble. They would. And they seem to love squabbling at 6am in the mornings, or whenever Choya is spooked by heavy rains and thunder, and Ryo thinks she's a wimp. 

By now, Ryo has come to fully trust us. He's happy to have his meals when I say so, alongside Choya's timings. He knows what we expect of him when he is in our home and with us. There is a bond built between us. It's almost as if his brain switches mode and is in 'Choya's Home' setting. Hahahaha. With this foundation, I can work on his anxieties and confidence with less effort. Today's rapport and feeding Ryo's sense of security did not come easy. Oof. 

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