Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sashimi, Sushi & Sake with E!

E hopped by in town for a week, and she asked if I could join V and her for dinner. In the end, V has to head out of town and couldn't come. So E and I were wondering if we should shift the meet date or keep to it. In the end, we decided to still have dinner, and keep it easy. I'm certainly bound by a 10.30pm curfew since I have to either get home to the dog or get her home for her supper.

E was so kind to accommodate Choya at this dinner. I must point out how lovely the friends are, because in accommodating, they're signing up to be broiled in this heat and humidity. This Japanese restaurant that we decided on (that will remain unnamed) sweetly takes Choya outdoors, but it doesn't have fans. In this unstirring heat, even in the evenings, it's unbearable. I brought a neck fan for myself, and a table fan for E. That forced tiny breeze really made dinner so much more bearable.  

E didn't need any carbs, so we skipped the fried rice and udon and such. It was sashimi for her, and sushi for me. We talked and talked and decided we didn't need more food. It was good to see E, catch up about life and how her past few months have been, and what else she's going to be doing. 

I giggled a little because E was very busy talking, and I managed to scam her into finishing off most of sashimi, pork jowl and all of the Miyazaki A5 wagyu beef. Of course I didn't starve — I had the negitoro sushi I wanted, and the sushi. Heh! I might have also scammed her into finishing the second 720ml bottle of sake by herself. 

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