Thursday, March 06, 2025

Chimken Broth and Noms for Floofs

Since I’d be steaming up pumpkin for Choya and doing sous vide chimken breast for her as well as the husband, I might as well include broccoli and carrots for a little floof too. Of course the husband's portion would hold soy, cayenne pepper, paprika and such. The floofs' chimken would only have bits of dill and oregano and like five salt flakes.

When I spotted a small pack of chicken bones, I decided to boil up broth for the floofs. This wouldn’t be bone broth. Just normal broth. Choya loves broth, and she really likes chimken cooked and the smells and flavors of its broth. So does Ozi. 

This broth would hold just a tiny bit of garlic. In this amount it's nutritious enough without any sort of oxidative toxicity. I don't advise anyone to feed cooked garlic directly to dogs, and certainly not raw. But when stir-fried in with meats or done in soups, this thiosulfate in the allium family is perfectly fine for canines. #ImpieCooks2025

Choya could smell the prep going on in the kitchen. She didn't bother coming near till they were nearly done. Then she came out to ask for her allocated share. This girl! I don't know how she always knows that there's food for her. I think it's the smell and fumes of garlic and onions. If she doesn't catch those scents heavy, she can safely assume it's her food.

The floofs’ broth is split into freezer trays for pure convenience. A cube a day would work for both Choya and Ozi. It's nutritious and hydrating. Ozi’s broth would sit with her sous vide chicken. She's so tiny and the broth can also be mixed with water to induce her to hydrate farther. Choya’s broth would be frozen with mainly broth plus chicken bits and carrots. 

I would have the volume of exactly one bowl portioned for the husband. Hahaha. His broth had salt and pepper added into it. He also likes chicken soup. So he's happy having the 'leftovers' from the floofs as a late afternoon snack.  

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