Monday, June 04, 2007

Cooking Classes At Shermay's Part 1

It was only a matter of time before the man became restless with tweaking internet recipes and would like to sign up for proper structured classes for a comparison.

Bought him a series of proper cooking classes with a way more experienced human to give out tips. Importantly, he wanted to savor the experience of being in a professional kitchen with many many pretty kitchen toys to drool over. The man spent two happy hours at Shermay's Cooking School watching guest chef Elsa Van der Nest demonstrate the finer points of preparing Italian meals and tasting the dishes.

The man took notes. Lots. LOL. He came back glowing and all chatty. And of course with a big bag of veal stock and other not-easily-found-in-supermarket ingredients bought from the retail shop. As he typed the handwritten notes into the desktop, he eagerly scoured the website for the class schedule to the next few sessions.

At this rate, I think he will be mighty interested in a serious stint in Paris or Pasadena. Some vacation thing. It will be a really fun way of studying! Unfortunately we're too pragmatic to even want to consider doing this as a job. Cooking as a hobby or as a have-to, works. Fairly certain that our next vacation to Thailand would include a few cooking classes too.


Anonymous said...

this post IS most HILARIOUS.

i can imagine you sort of frowning or smiling indulgently....!!! ;P

Anonymous said...

eh, shouldn't u be the one attending cooking lessons???

Suzie Wong said...

I'm pretty much like that with my new found baking hobby.... it started with books, asking people, internet and soon it will be school!

anyway congrats. who's benefitting?

imp said...

fern: nahh. just amused that he derives so much joy frm cooking!

clamshell: bahn. NO!

suziew: so you'll be taking baking lessons soon???! heh. i get to eat!!!

mummybean said...

no way! i was there too! and from the pics, i think i was sitting somewhere behind him. haha. in fact, can i say, i wondered if the guy was your man, based on *drumroll* the stuff he wears on his wrist. it was just a hunch. ok, that's such a coincidence, i'm terribly amused.

Anonymous said...

doing things during vacations are fun! and cooking is one thing! how nice to focus on something else completely away from the usual work stuff. chef excluded, of course.

imp said...

beanbean: i think it's probably him!! ;P

queenie: hmmm. not sure if my idea of fun covers cooking.... but the man loves it. i'll take the spas.

Jemej said...

WOW! Your man is classic lor! here we are, beanbean and I planning to go for our cooking classes and your man's doing that too!! Lucky you! ;)

imp said...

jemej: more like trying to entertain himself since i'm not interested in discussing about the finer points of cooking! :)

dsowerg said...

Eh, I was probably there too, but to collect my KitchenAid. Shermay's classes are too expensive! Anyway, I still can't get how he has the patience to cook risotto. Tried once and swore off it. Never again!