Friday, August 19, 2005

I don't even want to do the Math for this.


Anonymous said...

it is actually mathematically sound.

Anonymous said...

i believe this could be applicable to Imp.but note,gotta multiply the Money by 3. not 2.

Anonymous said...

this is discriminatory!! quick,do up an equation for the MEN!

Anonymous said...

it must be a man who came up with this sorry-assed man.hasn't he learnt how to control his woman or himself?it's the men who create problems and blame it on women!!!

Anonymous said...

Substitute woman with man. SUbstitute money with youth.

Then the equation is Man=Problems.

Anonymous said...

the sub-root and composite root of Women=Problems=Men.

Anonymous said...

the perenial equation. this should be looped under infinity. can differentiate and integrate to your liking and it will still be a loop.

Anonymous said...

what a shallow equation!! A+!! more like F-.

Anonymous said...

i always tell my people,if you're not the solution, then you're part of the problem. so imp,i assume you the solution lor?

Anonymous said...

women aint exactly problems. but they aint exactly solutions either. as the way men are...

Anonymous said...

well, a few women i know, imp included, have proven this theory unfounded.

and not unlike many consumer goods, it's fairer to use "may cause" in place of "equal", and to add the caveat "if incorrectly applied".

*glances nervously at loaded gun*

Anonymous said...

how politically correct! as a generally rule, anything that's incorrectly applied causes major problems.

Anonymous said...

oh please. i say MAN as a unisex homo sapien is the root of ALL problems.

Anonymous said...

this is the most terroble,one-sided flat like hell equation. sure,it makes sense,but hey...we can substitute the components for everything else!!

Anonymous said...

they say emotions are the problems.women are not necessarily more emotional than could be emotional too.therefore, the root to all problems is human emotion/s.