Monday, August 15, 2005

Alcohol-Free Perfumes

I have been searching all over for alcohol-free perfumes for the man's mom. She has developed rashes to commercial perfumes. The stick of Hermés she now uses doesn't quite cut down the rashes.

Short of surfing online for alcohol-free perfumes, no haute couture houses carry any. 8 months ago, I was thrilled when I heard that Fragonard was coming into Singapore. They opened 2½ months ago. A real parfumeur.

Finally, I strolled to
Fragonard at Millenia Walk. If Fragonard doesn't have it, no one else will. Fragonard's alcohol-free perfumes come in cream form; 3 different scents of Lavender, Citrus and Vanilla, in 6 lovely tiny tubs.



Anonymous said...

as long as it's in a spray form,i'm pretty sure the ingredients contain alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Aesop is next door. Hand cream!!! better than kiehl or molton brown stuff.

Anonymous said...

i've a perfume from there. it's quite heavenly.afterall,no girl can complain of too many perfumes!!

Anonymous said...

but they re-branded!!! no more classic old perfume spray bottles!! i so love those romantic designs.

Anonymous said...

i hate your blog. you always always give my girlfriend wallet-busting ideas.

Anonymous said...

hah. sucking up to mil right??!!! great choice of brand. fragonard is classic man. she'll love the scents. very No.5 and the likes.

Anonymous said...

you very poor thing leh- all fave cosmetics got discontinued this year. Prescriptives lah, Chanel lipstick lah, Perfume lah...what next??!

Anonymous said...

we're all spoilt for choices now! another player in the market. i like the prices at fragonard.very reasonable's about the same here as in paris. whew. i was worried about the euro.