Monday, September 26, 2005

Dinner Cravings

I had an inexplicable craving for bouillábaissé. Something light for the weekend too. With bread or something. Off to the supermarket the man went early Sunday morning.

The man decided to indulge me, and also rustled up friends to make an impromptu casual dinner for 8. He spent 5 hours laboring in the kitchen.

Menu consisted of:


Duck paté. Mushroom dip. Pita bread. Honeyed crackers.

Bouillábaissé on buttered basmati rice. Black pepper roast chicken. Rouille.

Tiramisu gelato. Camembert cheese slices.

Liquid Poison:
2002 Grenache Chilean red. 42 Below Manuka Honey with cranberry juice. San Pellegrino sparkling. Godiva hazelnut-vanilla coffee.

It stormed at 2030hrs. Perfect accompaniment to the bowls of steaming hot bouillábaissé.


Anonymous said...

arrrgh. i couldn't get back in time for this! *pounding chest* sounds damn good man. the man can really cook.

Anonymous said...

ooh-la-la. the coffee sounds damn good. godiva. how decadent.

Anonymous said...

So that's what a bouillabaisse is. It looks sooo good.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great great evening! am sorry to missed this!

Anonymous said...

this is a full menu man. he's definitely in the wrong line. open a restaurant!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful menu!! it must have been an enjoyable chill out meal.

Anonymous said...

can i borrow the man, please?

Anonymous said...

that's one of the best ways to spend a weekend. must be the age. getting to old to do the clubbing thing and sleep till 5pm. what a waste of a perfectly good weekend.

Anonymous said...

i'll live very happily on the choice of liquid poison for the evening.

Anonymous said...

such a romantic evening!! good food,good company. perfect.

Anonymous said...

ahh.... it is the men who can cook. and very well too. Imp can start putting on a few pounds. you look like you need it!!

Anonymous said...

not an easy menu to cook. and it went well. beautiful.

Anonymous said...

does he do catering??

Anonymous said...

a feast!! life is great when we create gatherings like that. better still to have the right mix of people with good cheer and smiles.

Anonymous said...

you lucky lucky imp!!