Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The girlfriend put some thoughts onto paper, a design of a beautiful ring. Saw it and squealed. It's gorgeous. She calls it Liquidity.

No she isn't a jewelry designer. She just likes to sketch and is okay putting this out online for the fun of it. I’m seriously considering realizing Liquidity into a tangible piece. White gold with diamonds. It's such a lovely piece that is so delicate yet full of attitude.

The only problem is, I'm not sure if I can carry this off with panache.

It is the girlfriend's design after all. She's a stickler for design flair and complementary items to go along. Wear wrongly sure kena hantam one.

Liquidity 2005 © All rights reserved by M.


Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful design. Sigh, it's the time of the year whereby jewellery cravings start to set in again. Go get it done, mebbe some of us can see this on our fingers too.

Anonymous said...

hello i just had to comment cos it's beautiful. gorgeous. must get it made and must show when you do...

Anonymous said...

oh...do do it!! it will be gorgeous. but are you using real diamonds...?? gosh...i guess only real diamonds will shine the best.

Anonymous said...

that's the ring!! i think should set it proper. it will be beautiful. maybe i should do that and do a va va voom one for mom.

Anonymous said...

goddess has a very good eye for detail. very obvious in this design here. someone should pay her to do this in real gold.

Anonymous said...

on the finger. thin fingers are needed.

Anonymous said...

this is a very intricate design. i kinda like the color of it on paper like that. use white sapphires/blue diamonds??? it'd be rather lovely!

Anonymous said...

why does the Goddess' design look so suspiciously EXPENSIVE? ah...her trademark.

Anonymous said...

ahhh...how exquisite. *wistful sigh* i so love it!