Monday, November 07, 2005

Broad Horizons

The trek was worth every blister, every bruise and every breath. Halcyon paradise it is. Shangri-la, truly. It reminds us of what it means to be human. We backpacked and slept in tents. It had to be done to experience the full beauty of Zhong Dian. Of course we treated ourselves to creature comforts at the ending point in a proper beautiful hotel.


Anonymous said...

you ARE BACK!!!! woohooo!!! welcome home. fantastic pics!

Anonymous said...

good lord. it's really another world.

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see more pics! :)

Anonymous said...

great trek sista.

Anonymous said...

how're the bruises woman?? take care yah?

Anonymous said...

aye gal!! welcome home! creature comforts!!!

Anonymous said...

omigod!!this is so beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

so cool! didn't figure you for the type to go for these trips.

Anonymous said...

the resort is really out of this world!

Anonymous said...

waaah. sounds like a great trip. but i can't survive like that lah. i'll stay in the resort all the way.

Anonymous said...

the sky. amazingly blue. and hot.

Anonymous said...

such vast expanse.what a treat!