Sunday, November 27, 2005

Save Lives, Sterilize!

I love the series of postcards that are used to spread the message. Animals and condoms photographed.

I love the tagline
"you can't teach them to play it safe".

Animal welfare gains a stronger footing when there's a concerted effort on both volunteers and
authorities to hit home these messages.


Anonymous said...

i saw!!! the postcards are just sooooo cute!!!

Dawn said...

Well said!

shuhuiii said...

i saw the bus stop ads!

Anonymous said...

i hope that these cuteness leaves an impression in everyone's minds and they'll translate it into action.

Anonymous said...

if strays are lingering,then problem-solve by sterilizing. if culling works, it would have worked years ago. obviously that aint too good a solution.

Anonymous said...

exactly. the govt must support the push for sterilization. once its nationally-sanctioned, all the little mice will follow suit in this island.