Monday, November 21, 2005

SERENITY. Full Circle

Over one weekend last year, I watched 14 episodes of 'Firefly'. Not an intricate plot, but the show had great one-liners, great visioning, character depth. Even though I'm no Joss Whedon fan, I was solidly hooked on Firefly.

Was most miffed when producers scrapped the rest of the episodes because of low ratings in the States. 
How could they???!!! Firefly is better than those bubblegum shit American tv spews! Never mind, I'm eagerly waiting for the movie version of it- 'Serenity'.

Serenity premiered in the States 30 September. There was not a hoot about it coming to Singapore. 
I threw a fit when I realized that Serenity wouldn't be doing the runs on cinema screens here because distributors didn't think there was a demand for it.

Tonight I went for an underground one-off screening of Serenity. I sat on the edge of her seat through the action-packed two-hour 'finale' that plugged all loops and answered all questions. Such fun. Don't understand movie economics.


Anonymous said...

no shit! thsi show rocks! and you didn't ask me along??!!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah,one very good show. i was stuck to it too man. there were screenings here though.

Dawn said...


Anonymous said...

where on earth did yoiu dig up this series??!!

Anonymous said...

underground screening??! why so hush hush? what's the biggie man? this is a good show. should spread it! it's revenue isn't it? profits!