Thursday, December 15, 2005

Blue Calm

Super soothing to bury my head in the silence of the pool.


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to get into the gym and kick some ass.

Anonymous said...

i was never a fan of running or swimming till i started work. then i realized that it's the best way to work off stress.

Anonymous said...

i knew you way back from school. but reading your blog, i realized you're not quite the person i know. it's probably been almost 12 years since we last met and that would have really changed us majorly.

your blog's an interesting read and in a way,getting to know you all over again. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah. i love a soak in the pool to clear my head and of all the work shit.

Anonymous said...

ooh. water. nice. i like heated pools to swim in at night.

Anonymous said...

swimming works for me.

Anonymous said...

sometimes, doing a headstand works for me.

Q said...

headstands are the best!

kuro.shiro.neko said...

well, i must be weird, i hate swimming pools, always find them catastrophic. yet i love the sea and scuba diving...

aint that weird...

Anonymous said...

eh eh. i''m the opposite. i love pools. but am terrified of the big blue sea. too wide i think.

imp said...

i'm scared to death to swim in open sea without knowing what's beneath. i'll stick to diving. leave the swimming to the pool heh.