Lunarin's gig at their official album launch at The Substation was brilliant. I like their stuff. Full of angst. So emotive. So heavy. Dark progressive rock. Great one.
And you know what? The drummer's Mom made chocolate cookies for everyone. Such a sweet thing!! Ate some. Pretty good. Couldn't finish my share. Gave it to the man who merrily ate it all.
Also heard the shrieking by opening bands The Love Experiment and Kulturkampf's. Super loud though. Luckily I brought ear plugs which made the ear-busting soundscapes bearable.

heard so much about lunarin. but never heard any of their songs. heh. should start i guess.
chocolate cookies for the crowd?? that's so cool!!! small crowd?? 100?? so many cookies. cosy!
have caught lunarin's gigs. heavy. but good. very good. drummer superb.
arrgh. missed a good gig then.
lunarin is good. one of the better singapore bands.
the out of tune singing band is playing again at Bar None Monday sessions soon.
real soon.13feb.9pm.you'll get to listen to even more out of tune singing and witness uncensored crass heartland humour.neither bourgeois nor yuppie.
lunarin's playing on 27feb.
isn't shameless marketing great?
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