Sunday, January 08, 2006

Wet Day

I love the rain.

It makes everything so muted, so magical.


Passerby A said...

I'm tempted to wish that it's like that all the time here - romantic but too troublesome...

Anonymous said...

so true...when i'm indoors.

Anonymous said...

i stayed indoors all day! hah. rain away!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah. the stupid rain drenched me. i think i'm going to be sick. ugh.

Anonymous said...

nice easy lazy sunday. beautiful.

Anonymous said...

you've always loved the rain. you revel in dancing in it. heh.

Anonymous said...

rain not great when one is running errands or events. eeks.

Anonymous said...

it is still bloody raining TODAY!

Anonymous said...

what the f???? it's STILL raining!! stop wishing for rain,imp!! i want to go out jogging!!!

Anonymous said...

you've got your wish babe. it's been raining 3 days in a row...