Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Vermonster

It was a huge-ass bucketful of ice-cream from Ben & Jerry's.

20 scoops of ice-cream.

4 bananas.

4 ladles of hot fudge.

3 chocolate chip cookies.

1 chocolate fudge brownie.

10 scoops of walnuts.

2 scoops of your 4 favorite toppings.

Topped with lots of freshly made whipped cream.

10 ice-cream monsters.

Did we finish it?



Dawn said...

We had fun TRYING!

Anonymous said...

you guys DID NOT finish it??!!! how can??!!!

Anonymous said...

this can be a dinner man! it's seriously A BUCKET. my gosh!!!

Anonymous said...

and they serve this at great world? or delivery?

Anonymous said...

gulp. no way!

Anonymous said...

you didn't finish it? unbelievable!!