Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pumpkin Risotto

The man uses Jamie Oliver's recipe as a guide and tweaked it to his own preferences. Instead of white wine, adding dry vermouth to the mix seems to make it more layered and slightly sweeter.

For the butter-crazy Imp, he adds extra extra butter. But not when there's company for dinner. Not everyone loves butter. It wouldn't be nice to make everyone have an instant cardiac arrest.


Bro. Ken said...

Almost everytime I look at your blog it makes me hungry. I never have good food about either.

Anonymous said...

i see that the man's a good cook!

Anonymous said...

ken: pick up cooking!! chat up your neighborhood grocer and meat people! that's the fastest way to create some good food.

seth: he's really good.

Bro. Ken said...

To be honest, I've actually taken several years in Culinary School... It's not that I can't cook... It's more along the lines of Time and Laziness. I'm in the military, and the place where I live is a bit of a smaller town in the middle of no where... I grew up in Vancouver, BC which has amazing cultural diversity and an amazing array of food choices... It's something I miss alot!

Anonymous said...

imp: that does it. the men are definitely the chefs around nowadays! vancouver is amazing!!! have got family there! ahh...the military. soon you'll out and travelling europe!

sereneannabelle said...

wow....i can already SMELL it. =PP

Anonymous said...

as far as i'm concerned, every dish should have a little alcohol in them!!

Anonymous said...

i say, bring on the butter!

geesmo said...

ok. the butter has me convinced. :)

mummybean said...

hiya, blogsurfed in... :) can i just ask where you bought the risotto from? i've been hunting for it high and low in cold storage to no avail... thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » » »