Sunday, July 02, 2006


The friends were all struggling to find the most succinct way to describe the given words.

I tell you, we wished we were telepathic.

Then again, I've never heard the other polite friends utter so many "Awwww....fuck!!!" over the two hours of gameplay. Hahahaha.


Little Miss Snooze said...

wahahaha this is the most fun game ever!

Anonymous said...

oh... i love to play this game...

Anonymous said...

yes! this is my favourite game! i like guesstures too! as fun as taboo!
dee from royal leisure

Anonymous said...

love the way pple react during the game!! totally entertaining!

Anonymous said...

i've never ummmed and ahhhed so much in my life!!! only during taboo! worse than charades!!

domestic rat said...

I love this game, better if we play X-rated taboo. Makes it more embarrassing for all!!!