Friday, July 07, 2006

My Lunch

I don't particularly like going out for lunch during weekdays. I grow bored with thinking about what to eat. Then I end up deciding that there's nothing nice to eat. 

The food at the hawker centres really isn't all that healthy. Plenty of lard and MSG. There isn't even a half-decent sandwich or salad shop in the vicinity.

Of late, I've been packing lunchboxes from home. It isn't just the healthier option. It's also the tastier option. The other night, what the good man did was to zip to the supermarket and grab the ingredients he needed to cook pumpkin risotto.

The man was hunched over the stove for a good two hours, keeping busy late into the night. I ermmm...was tired and went to sleep first. In the morning, he scrambled out of bed early to pack me a lunchbox. Ta-daaaa!!!!


geesmo said...

nuthin' betta than a lunchbox packed with lurve eh?

pumpkin risotto.that's an interesting combination. my fav has got to be risotto with parmesan, drizzled with truffle oil....

Violet said...

looks super delicious!! hungry liow...

what's beside the rice? pork or tee kwa? i m very bad at recognising food...

Little Miss Snooze said...

wah so nice! risotto!

Anonymous said...

hah!! you manja baby! need to pack food! you should cook your own! don't make the man labor. ;P

Anonymous said...

so sweet...

shuhuiii said...

2 hours just for yoo to ta-pau lunch! so sweet!

Anonymous said...

ahh. pumpkin risotto is yummy. so he cooked for 2 hours. what did you do for that 2 hours???

Anonymous said...

such a sweet boy!! or is it 'well-trained'??!!

imp said...

geesmo: his pumpkin risotto is damn good. and i think i like risotto done this way!

pig: beef fillets.

meteor: ummm...i was watching tv while he was cooking....

domestic rat said...

Nothing beats having a man who's handy in the kitchen. Ask your man to share his recipe!

sereneannabelle said...


so sweetttt... =)))

Anonymous said...

wow! i wish i have someone cooking lunch for me! looks good!

coboypb said...

Wow, you are a lucky girl :)

j said...

funny, my entry yesterday was about my lunch too :)

j said...

the pic made me hungry :)