Sunday, July 02, 2006


Add the whole tube of Mentos into a 1.5l bottle of Coke.

We wanted to see how high it would go.

The results were quite cool.

We're going to look for a gallon bottle. And maybe experiment with crushed Mentos and carbon dioxide.

That would be fun. Heh.


Anonymous said...

haha... you guys are like school kids!

Anonymous said...

what's with the experimenting~?!! okayy.. looks cool!!! heeeeee.

Anonymous said...

quite a spectacular blowout!

Anonymous said...

I saw this on an online video. Totally amazing ka-blooey.

Anonymous said...

i like the idea of a bigger boom. when i click to enlarge photos here, i can see the mentos popping out!

Anonymous said...

cool! you didn't video it? that would have been awesome!

Anonymous said...

Cool! :) Something I'm gonna try at the next party