Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why Don't Allow Cats Still?

HDB's response to an appeal letter to allow cats in HDB flats:

"HDB is aware that there are cat lovers who feel strongly that cats should be allowed in HDB flats. However, there are many HDB residents who do not like cats and are strongly against allowing cats in HDB flats. HDB receives numerous complaints from residents about cats today, in spite of our prohibition.

As the public housing authority, HDB has to consider the sentiments of the majority of HDB residents in setting its policies. We do not intend to change the policy. However, HDB will continue our current approach of taking action against HDB residents who keep cats when there are complaints of nuisance."

I found this reply unnerving.
It is scary that HDB sticking to an unthinking policy.

1) Plenty of sweeping statements in the reply. Where are the statistics? If there are HDB residents disliking cats and don’t want them allowed in flats. Then what about dogs? There will be an equal number of people who don’t like dogs and don’t want them in flats. But HDB allows small dogs in flats!!!

2) Stray cats pose a big problem. People who feed cats irresponsibly and leave food remnants around incur the wrath of residents. The HDB residents secretly keeping cats are scared to death that HDB would evict them if found out. They habitually let the cats roam free so that they can conveniently and rightly say “This is not my cat. It doesn’t live in my house.”

So there you go. Plenty of strays roaming the streets.

You don’t exactly hear many complaints about pet dogs.

3) HDB removes the cats whenever and wherever there’s a complaint. So these cats are culled. But the problems persist. Cats reproduce more aggressively than dogs. Quiet culling on the side so as not to incur the disappointment of welfare groups does not solve the issues.

Instead of an overall stray cat management system, HDB sticks to an ad hoc policy of culling to manage complaints about stray cats. If culling was a solution, would HDB still have to deal with the problem today?

Would this problem persist if cats are allowed as pets?

Would this problem persist if pet cats are required to be micro-chipped and sterilized?

Just so you know, I don’t own a cat. I think kittens are adorable. I’m not even sure I like cats all that much.
But I see no logic in HDB's current policy.


Anonymous said...

or they can ban all pets frm HDB flats.

Anonymous said...

if it's really such a big problem, then why doesn't HDB strut its usual stuff of rules and implement some structure to manage stray cats??

i don't think killing works. there'll be more to replace those killed.

Anonymous said...

it's simple. when they remove the cats, the rats run freely.

Anonymous said...

i don't like cats. i see all of them around the estate. nosiy and dirty. but i can see it's dirty because the pple who feed them don't clean up.

and i also see ur point about why dogs and not cats.

Anonymous said...

I never knew cats aren't allowed in flats!

littlecartnoodles said...

Eventually, HDB will allow residents to keep cats.

But with 1,001 rules and regulations attached. Licence fees lah, good conduct security deposit lah, display valid vet certification outside door lah ... ...

Not too far-fetched, me thinks.

Chick said...

i think they've opened a canned of worms.

the REAL problem lies with the irresponsible cat owners. they don't house-trained their cats, they let them roamed the streets without having a kitty tag. cats tend to get lost, and they turned into strayed cats. blah blah blah... i believe this is more of a human problem than anything else!

when is anyone going to ban these irresponsible pet owners from HDB flats/from their homes??

NEVER loh. i don't think people should stereotyped that all cats are dirty and disruptive. they are NOT.

and yes, i'm a cat lover!

geesmo said...

so, one day someone is going to come along and say, "yup, we no longer allow durian consumption in HDB flats." or is that already a law now?

Anonymous said...

whatever rules they have for dogs, modify it to suit cats. one day, they'll realize that the problem of strays is spiralling out of control. then they'll have to reverse policy or adopt drastic measures.

and hopefully, it doesn't mean nation-wide culling because of some bird-flu panic.

kuro.shiro.neko said...

no choice, cat lovers just got to keep trying to remind them of their senseless policy.

but have to do it c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y.

Anonymous said...

it'd take a really long time for HDB to do a policy reversal. but it's puzzling that they didn't review and see the logic.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.