Thursday, December 28, 2006

5 Golden Rings Upon The 'morrow

And so we are at Day 4, Feast of the Holy Innocents of the 12 glorious days of Christmas.

This Christmas is decidedly different. We escaped to isles that don't emphasize on the glitter of the season. We want this. We need this. It's definitely a refreshing change from the usual merrymaking. It gives us another perspective of what's important to us beyond the daily grind of living.

Oh, please note that our alcohol index has been hovering at a very low digit. We fully intend to keep it this way all through to Epiphany.

Sure, there have been plenty of down periods this year. Life goes on. I've dug deep within myself and faced demons that I'm not proud of. But the man kissed my cheek and told me "Love conquers all."

My friends lent me their patient ears when I whined; willed me their strength to square my shoulders and walk on.

This year, while the friends I thought were true remained beautifully true, I also had a few surprising gems who firmly held my hand when I faltered. I had people who weren't on the best of terms with me stand by my side in my hour of need.

Like these poinsettias that pop up in December, I'm cheerily reminded of how much love and blessings have been showered upon me.

And for all that, I'm grateful.

Fate has dealt me a kind hand this 2006.

Really, I cannot ask for anything more.

I am content.


Little Miss Snooze said...

Coincidentally tehpeng asked if I'm a contented person today. To which I said yes but he said that can be improved upon.

He prob is referring to the bags and shoes I've been showing him! hehe. :)

Blessed 2007 for you! :)

Jo said...

In this post, you have allowed us to have a closer glimpse into your life. Thank you.

Do you believe in silver linings? I have always do, and that is why I always hope for the best. Despite all my whining and grinding, in general, I am a positive sort of person.

I am happy for you that you have all these wonderful people in your life to help you through difficult moments. Having been through so many pits in the past year, I totally appreciate that facet of life.. True friends. I have few and I pray that they will remain true come what may.

I hope fate will continue dealing you with kind hands in 2007 and beyond.

geesmo said...

you know what the best thing about being contented is? it's actually knowing that you're contented :)

Anonymous said...

have a good 2007... and indeed love conquers all. =)

Anonymous said...

Whatever that has happened, they belong to the past and best forgotten.

To a great new year and girl, you are blessed when you are feeling down and still have folks by your side. :-)

Anonymous said...

we can't always envy pple. we've gotta look at our lives and live it. downs there were lots. but u made the ups too. happy 2007 babe.

Anonymous said...

Content is a good word. Have a lovely year ahead Imp!

b.muse said...

Glad that you've had more highlights than lows for 2006. :)

Enjoy the fantastic break, and may you have an even better 2007 babe!

Anonymous said...

we all want a good hand for 2007. so besides praying, let's also make sure we're not so much at fault whenever shit hits the fan!

Anonymous said...

poinsettias at christmas are beautiful!!! it's all about the good there is!

imp said...

lms: hehehe. to more bags and shoes in 2007 then!

jomel: thanks babe. i believe in silver linings. especially if we're not scheming or evil to begin with. all in all, i believe ur 2006 will end on a good note. may this follow u through to 2007.

geesmo: i'm superstitious! i must admit knowing a good thing! otherwise i'll jinx it and have no more!

fuchsiacow: u too babe. more for u to love coming up in 2007!

dr: true true. how happy we are is what we want it to be.

meteor: my friends. u guys made the ups too.

sesame + jun: same to u!! i'll be reading ur blogs still!!

queenie: arrrgh!! shit is STILL a sore word with me. but hell, yeah. cover our asses first eh?

dre: they're such beautiful flowers.

Bro. Ken said...

Sorry I havent been able to read your blog as often as I like lately but my trip keeps me very busy. Thank you for the Christmas wishes and all the best to you in the coming year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Traveling Ken

imp said...

ken: i'm happily reading yours!! all the best for 2007!!

Belinda Lee said...

As usual you have touched the core of what life is all about. Without mistakes we never learn, without compassion and friendship we cannot grow. Not forgetting the Great hand that quietly helps us in our times of need also shows how 'balanced' you are in your life. Remembering the true meaning of Christmas gives us all new perspective. Give yourself a big pat on the shoulders but I'm sure many people have already done that to you.

Here's hoping 2007 will be even better and that peace and sensibility prevails throughout the world.


Anonymous said...

we ride the waves babe. we ride it.

Anonymous said...

bellebeadz: thanks! to you and your family too.

gerbera: i'm going to.