Thursday, December 28, 2006

It's A Man's Job

During a quiet moment in bed, the man innocently posed his question.

Man: Why do you sleep on my left when we're at home and on my right at the hotel?

Imp *keeping a really straight face* : Oh. That's simple! There's really no fixed rule. You sleep on the side nearest to the telephone and room controls.

Man *blank look* : Why?!

Imp *stiffling a smirk* : So that you can wake up to answer the phone when it rings and switch off the clock alarm when it screeches. Not me.


Kismet said...

You really gotta tell me if that's REALLY what you had in mind...*laughs*

Anonymous said...

so practical!!! hahahah.

Little Miss Snooze said...

Haha I can;t! I have to be on the right side of the bed. Or I'll feel odd. :P

imp said...

kismet + jazzgal: yes!!! my logic is so!

lms: i've no preference. it doesn't matter to me. :) so long i get the quilt.

DK said...

Poor guy.

Anonymous said...

no mystery in here?!!! awwww. for me, i like the left side of the bed.

Little Miss Snooze said...

Hahah the quilt! I so know what you mean!Halfway through the night it disappears off me!