Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

Charity begins where interest ends,
Having little interest but in giving,
Removing self from self, that there be space
In which a much-loved guest might feel at home.
So might one find delight, though ravens rend
The unembroidered fabric of one's being:
Miracle of unrequited grace,
A wave of wonder welling up from stone,
Singing as it breaks of selfless grieving.


Anonymous said...

Merry X'mas to you and your man. And wish you have many more bags to come!

Jo said...

Merry Christmas Imp! Lots of love to you and all around you. From me and the girls.

sereneannabelle said...

merry xmas to you imp!!! keep writing and have a blessed year ahead!!

蓝月 said...

Merry Christmas Jaq..

imp said...

merry christmas all!!!!

Cavalock said...

Merry Xmas! Hope you have a good one!