Monday, January 22, 2007

Moving Out Of Two Flats and Into A New One


Anonymous said...

where are the big boxes??!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha. i see lots of drinks and food! kinda fun!

Anonymous said...

wah! so many chopping boards and wooden ladle?!

Anonymous said...

oooh! what's with the shoes?? leopard print??!!!! eiooww! i hope u're throwing them out...???

imp said...

dainty daisy: movers r doing those! we're doing our easy stuff.

meteor: of course must feed our slaves well.

dee: hehehe. different ones for meats, veggies, fruit, spices, etc.

queenie: *cringe* of course throwing this bunch out! yucks! cannot imagine that i've actually worn them out.

Little Miss Snooze said...

*yay* to the successful move! :)
I see the huge paperbags are put to good use! :)

Btw, I keep all my paperbags in good condition...

Anonymous said...

the friends moved the boxes and u took photos??!! very easy job u have!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless the move and the settling in! Do post pics up of the new place once the settling is done yeah?!

Anonymous said...

show more pix!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just hate sorting out the stuff for packing, and (cringe) the unpacking too. Or perhaps I have done too much!

geesmo said...

ahem....seem like there were more pics of drinks than actual boxes etc..good thing there are drink holders in the car.

furfur angel said...

congrats congrats!

Belinda Lee said...

Shhhhhh.......I see a cow........
I've seen 3 so far on different balconies ;D Now I know what happened to them.

Such fun. New beginnings!

Suzie Wong said...

Yippee! Must be so exciting and tiring.

I swear for another 10 years i don't want to move again!

Jo said...

*faints at the CD collection and the chopping boards*

Please, show us the knife collection! ;)

imp said...

lms: i think i just exhausted my paperbag collection!!!

lance: oei! i got carry boxes one okay!

yellow+opal: i will!

dr: unpacking now. ugh.

geesmo: hot days. we need the drinks to keep us going!!

furfur angel: thanks!

bellebeadz: noo oo nooo!!!! mine's actually legitimate!!! very legitimately obtained!

suzie w: remind me not to buy so much stuff!!

jomel: the knives r somewhere in the cartons....heh.