Monday, January 01, 2007

A Spectacular Sunset At อยุธยา

On this last day of 2006, we spent it in simplicity and quiet reflection.With a cool breeze stirring, we closed our eyes and felt time trickle by. At this hour, there were just a handful of visitors. We literally had the ruins to ourselves.

In the olden silence, we struggled to remember the rise and fall of this ancient kingdom
อยุธยาIn the dusky stillness, we felt the worry in the city and resolutely celebrated our bonds of friendship and love.


DK said...

Happy New Year!!!

Little Miss Snooze said...

Blessed 2007 to you both!

Anonymous said...

quiet is the new loud eh?

Jo said...

What a meaningful way to send off the old and bring in the new. Lovely. Happy new year babes.

Anonymous said...

the nicest way to spend the transition of the year. quietly, with friends, with love. all the best girl.