Monday, February 26, 2007

All The Best, Darling

We went out of our way to make T comfortable during her 4-day stopover in Singapore. It was because she was a sweetie and a friend in need.

T had left her phone subscription, teddy bear, cds, her job, the boyfriend and comfortable life in Brisbane. She was going on a journey of self-discovery to London, then to her ethnic roots in Ireland and Peru. She didn't know if she would return to Brisbane, or settle down in London.

She had 4 days in Singapore. She only met up with us during the last 2 days. She had no camera, no cell phone, no laptop. She spent alot of time alone in self-reflection. The brave girl wandered Lion City alone. As exciting as new travel experiences were, I couldn't even imagine what sort of emotional turmoil must have gone through her mind. Through the conversations, we sensed she felt a little overwhelmed by her decision, now that reality had sunk in.

We plied T with food, drinks and conversation. There were lots of kisses and hugs all the way to the airport. Importantly, we wanted her to know she would always have friends here. We wanted to give her the warmth of friendship before she left Singapore. We're pretty sure she left with fond memories and our good wishes.

You've done deep thinking for a year. You've done your planning. We'll definitely meet again. Maybe in Singapore, maybe in London and not surprisingly, perhaps New York. On your last night here, the fireworks lit the skies just for you. We wanted you to believe that that was for luck and goodwill.

Now, follow your heart and go re-discover yourself. You do just that, girl. If not now, then when?


Dawn said...

You feed your friends Fancy Feast? Nice :)

Anonymous said...

brave girl indeed. she'll be richer for it. she might lose something. but she will also gain something.

when's your turn?

imp said...

dawn: hahah! no lah! she was sharing on how weird she felt buying canned food to feed the cat at her hotel. so i whipped out one from the car. and she grinned and felt normal!

seth: yes indeed. my turn? let me know if you wanna adopt me! honestly, i don't know. the wanderlust hasn't kicked in fully. it's been just idle thoughts so far.

Anonymous said...

you'll kill me.

you know my year off come next week?

it's to south america babe....

Anonymous said...

that's a LOT of food man!!! over 2 days??? lots of carbs and seafood i see!

Anonymous said...

trident: we settle it face-to-face!!!!! bon voyage. and updates via email pls. photos photos.

queenie: yah man.