Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Fictional World

When I was in school, I used to do 2, maybe 3 books in a day. 15 books a week was easy peasy. Now, I'm not even sure I can finish 2 books in a week!

I haven't been reading very much. Sometimes, work saps my strength so much that I don't even want to pick up a literary challenging book. The fantasy books call out to me. I'll just pick any one out of the bookshelf, re-read them and sink myself into its fictional thrills.

Whenever holidays and long weekends roll around, I find myself searching out new books that I'd read and set out to finish them. I'd silently pat myself on the back if I managed to finish 1 book over a weekend.

This Chinese New Year, I devoured so many new books across genres. I polished off 6 + 3 (it was a trilogy!) paperbacks.

Over the weekend, I read and read. I read non-stop. It was exhilarating the way my reading speed accelerated as I took in page after page of words, skimming each line and reading aloud favorite quotes.

I was immersed in the different worlds within these books. I was so into them that coming back to reality was quite a downer.

I'm going to have to go get meself more books for this coming weekend.


Anonymous said...

That's some speed reading you did over the long wkend. I only managed to finish one book which I thought was already quite a feat, considering the man who's 24/7 beside me.

Anonymous said...

i did 3 books! hahah. super anti-social. brought books out with me while visiting!

Ms Fair Face said...

Lucky you! I hardly have time to read a good book eversince I started driving to work and leaving behind the public transportation.

The last book I read was probably 'The Devil Wears Prada' on my previous business trip inflight.

Jo said...

Wow... you must have got yourself a healthy tan by now? I do like the way you spent your CNY. No pressure to go visiting. Just my kind too. I kinda chilled out too, though not by the pool. :)

Anonymous said...

books are the best form of escapism.

you very stressed izzit? or just overindulging?!

Anonymous said...

I have stopped reading very much since having a child. With work, Internet and blog to entertain me, I read less. But I would like to read more if I can. But can never be at the rate you're achieving.

imp said...

dr: i was catching up! my man reads as much as i do! so it's perfect when we read. no disturbing the other!

queenie: that's one good way to entertain yourself.

msfairface: make time! read thin books inflight!

jomel: quite brown. hehehehe.

jazzgal: not stressed. just need an alternate reality sometimes.

sesame: take your time. choose your fav topics to read! but with youtube and internet, tough to sit down to a book coz it's not colorful!