Thursday, March 29, 2007

Celebrating The Man's 32nd

I never know what to buy guys as birthday presents. Buying one for the man is always a major headache. And I wonder how I could top this for the next year. We really didn't want to pay homage to the porcelain altar anymore. So this year, I bought him dinner and cupcakes.

Gathered the friends for a kickass dinner with the friends at The Song Of India. One thing about this bunch of lovely people, I can always plan any menu and they'd be game. Everyone loves spices. Great. Going by the sheer volume of saffron basmati rice they shovelled away, they definitely liked the food this evening.

Dinner + Drinks = S$1,800
Cupcakes = S$125
Company of friends and shared laughter = Priceless

There was a mountain of presents. The friends certainly knew the sort of birthday presents that the man would totally dig. Pedals, tubes, guitars, kitchen toys, books... along those lines. He was soooo excited over them. Back home, he lovingly fiddled with each item before putting them away. I swear he would hug all these to sleep if he could!


Dawn said...

Thank you for a lovely dinner :) Hope he had a good birthday!

imp said...

he definitely did! :) great to have u there! u ate SO LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie said...

For you to do all this is love- love-love.

^cherie said...

Your man can cook???!!!

The dinner + dessert spread looked droolicious! Bet your man is all smiles, throughout the night. Lucky guy!

Anonymous said...

My 21st birthday is coming soon. What have you planned for me? HAHAHAH!

Anonymous said...

song of india is a great choice for north indian food. good stuff.

imp said...

carrie: hmm..some part i guess. and for all those dinners he paid and i just sat and ate!!

cherie: very well! i've got a label under homecooked. click that. any dec/nov post should have it. nothing recently coz we haven't started cooking in the new house!

michelle: the boyfriend should plan!!!

andrew: it was fantastic.

Anonymous said...

oooh. pantry magic. best. i went bonkers in there!

Anonymous said...

CCup cupcakes are awesome man!!! love them chilled.

Anonymous said...

a year's supply of socks damn practical!! it's super useful!! smart gift-giver.

domestic rat said...

Gosh! That's a major celebration. What was it like for the 21st and 30th party???

Anonymous said...

and u didn't leave me any cupcakes!!!

Anonymous said...

that's like...alot to spend! u didn't mind? extravagant?

imp said...

queenie: i haven't been there myself! but i guess the man will go bonkers that too!

gerbera: quite nice. really.

clamshell: super practical. he loves them.

dr: dunno! i don't think i was very into him at his 30th!! oops! think i only bought him dinner. Breeze at Scarlet Hotel. dunno abt his 21st. can't be bothered either. hahaha.

jazzgal: hahahaha. i still have some. fly home now!

opal: perhaps. but it's all been budgeted for. it's still cheaper than a bag. so i count it by that way! and not to mention all the stuff he got for me. so it's kinda 'payback' time!!!

Ally said...

whats with the socks??

kachunknorge said...

Happy Birthday to the man!

Caleb said...

thank you for the wonderful dinner :)


Cavalock said...

awww....what must a guy do to get invited to something like this?

btw, been to pantry magic. wasn't really impressed. Way too ex. most of the stuff, u can get cheaper elsewhere.

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

one of the things i really like is that you always have these nifty links for kitchen stuff. (like pantry magic!!!)

and, thanks to cavalock, i'll give that place a skip! i was going to go down and check it out!

imp said...

orientalQ: he loves them. giordano's black socks. his fav.

kachunk: thank u!

caleb: happie to see u eating.

cavalock: haven't been there myself. but it'd be a good place to grab pressies for friends i guess.

freespirit: can go take a look. the range is impressive.

mummybean said...

funny, giordano's black socks are my husband's fav too - he practically doesn't wear anything else :)

the cupcakes look absolutely delish.

Anonymous said...

the portions look so small. but absolutely lethal i bet.

small meals are deceivingly sinful and filling!

Anonymous said...

ooh. happy birthday to the man! looks like a blast! i'm back i'm back! i want an invite to the next party!!! *shameless*

Anonymous said...

wow. i've heard so much abt ccup and song of india. now i get to see the pictures! too bad the taste can't come through!!! looks really posh.