Friday, April 06, 2007

The Man's Back Home


Belinda Lee said...

Yikes! Is that gadgematic what I think it is? They turn the dial and 'extend' the bone to ensure the damaged knee heals without 'shrinkage' and both legs will be equal in length. Maybe I'm wrong ;( Heres to a speedy recovery!

imp said...

bel: no lah... hehehehhe. it's just a Zimmer splint to keep the leg straight and the following week, rotate the dial by 10degrees to let the knee bend a little and so on for the next 6 weeks. click on photo to see huge-sized picture of it!

Belinda Lee said...

Phew! Anyway, I'm sure its no less painful. Pwertsy )=

Anonymous said...

hmmmm. it looks pretty good actually. quite stylish. so he'd have no problems with walking around wearing this. metal's good. it means he can drive!

Anonymous said...

glad he's home and resting. well, take it as a good break from work!

Anonymous said...

i'm sure he's able to walk. well, hobble. but at least not bedridden. so now physio is important. in fact, you should start him now.

at this moment, u don't need a pro physiotherapist. home exercise.

AND babe, you can guide him along with pilates. frankly, your skill must be applied to him now. he's going to be your most important student ever. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad that he is back at home, a good place to rest and recover fast soon. Speedy recovery, yeah?

imp said...

meteor: yup. it looks stylish. he can drive!

queenie: he's enjoying it.

nat: am exploring that and simple muscle exercises. will see abt a studio when the stitches are sort of healed.

iceaster: thanks!

Anonymous said...

that's one wicked brace. take care you and him.