Friday, April 27, 2007

Tattoo Parlors In Town

I'm babysitting work visitors in town for two weeks. One of them hesitantly asked me for a recommendation to tattoo shops in Singapore. He wanted to do another tattoo on the right bicep.

No, no, no. Not the tribal sort. Nothing cultural, nothing religious. He wanted something abstract, something artistic to match the one on his left bicep. He rolled up his sleeve and showed me a very rocker
(think Guns N' Roses' 1987 Appetite For Destruction) design.

It was all I could do not to giggle aloud. I had to stifle a sudden notion to invite him to a local indie gig tonight. 
With a choked laugh and wide smile, I immediately wrote him three recommendations that were respectively near his hotel and place of work.

The imp within was grinning hysterically. In my line of work, it is not often that my visitors ask this question, if at all
I have no idea what made him think that I might know where the hip and hygienic tattoo parlors are. But he did not seem at all surprised that I knew. Heh.


Anonymous said...

hahaha! well done! immediate reply! and frm someone who's got no big interest in tattoos and who doesn't even have one!

Cavalock said...

well, if any vistor needs a tour of the red-light district, let me know.

Anonymous said...

ehhh...word of advice. no no no. no inviting work pple to anywhere. glad u didn't. too much effort, too draining. then the lines of work and play blurs.

you can be too nice to overseas guests sometimes. (i was a recipient! ;P)

Anonymous said...

and why am i NOT surprised that you know?!

b.muse said...

heh, i'm not surprised either that you knew where to point him.

but i am that you did not invite him to the gig. hee.

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

hahahah! i'm not surpirsed that u know either, imp. guess what? u r also my biggest source of info on anything under the sun!!! i know i'll go to u if i've got weird requests to look for weird things. i mean, u're not even hainanese and u know what is hainanese-home-cooked. man! btw, do you have the recipe (or know where to get) for these 2 things?
1. Lei Cha Fan (thunder tea rice)
2. SIMPLE tortillas (i think i just destroyed my chinese wok trying to cook this)

imp said...

seth: cheh. i happen to remember where these tattoo parlors are! ;P

cavalock: i'm keeping you in mind!

nong: hehehe. aye aye m'am.

opal: hah.

jun: hahah! i wanted to! but didn't. nah.

cantonpixie: you're too kind! i also need google's help!!

tortilla cannot use wok lah. u need a flat stone! quite messy. try

i haven't even tasted thunder tea rice!!

Or try it at these places:

Anonymous said...

tattoo??!!! ur guest wants a tattoo? is he like young and hot? or more like old and frumpy????!!!

Anonymous said...

wah. you're good! would you reveal details of these parlors?? what's your recommendation?

蓝月 said...

i like it, lei cha... think there's a good one in geylang.

The Health Conscious Shopper said...

thanks babe!! i'm going to check them all out!

Anonymous said...

is johnny two thumbs one of the 3 you recommended?!

imp said...

meteor: young. great build. not too sure about hot. hahahahha.

cheryl + clamshell: yes. one included johnny two thumbs of course.

蓝月: i tried it! i don't like the egg and the soup leh. strange aniseed taste. i hate aniseed/liquorice thingy.

canton pixie: have fun!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. it was very funny!!! i think he would have been fun to go out with tho!!

Anonymous said...

ame: heeeee.