Thursday, April 19, 2007

Masak Masak

Once in a while, I'll have this craving for shellfish. If we're really lucky, the supermarket will stock fresh shellfish for the day.

And it was our lucky day. A simple mussel rice pilaf and clams in white wine sauce made a satisfying dinner.

Since the man's knee was still wobbly, of course I had to pretend-cook, pretend-stir, pretend-watch-over-the-stove and pretend-serve.


Anonymous said...

you're hilarious babe! pretend-cook??!! hahahah. i can so see u posing for the piccies!

Anonymous said...

wooohooo!!! i like the title!!! masak masak INDEED!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds really yummy. Ooh, but isn't cleaning out those shellfish before cooking such a hassle?

domestic rat said...

You look kinda domesticated in the pics.

Anonymous said... look very good doing pretend-stir.

imp said...

rachael + jazzgal: bleah.

fen: no hassle actually. they're alive. so just lots of soaking to get rid of the sand and grime. quite easy.

dr: em[phasis] on 'l-o-o-k'. heh.

meteor: oh, yeah. i can pretend-stir VERY WELL!

Anonymous said...

i assume you didn't have to pretend-EAT?????!

b.muse said...

Shellfish.. Yumms!

Heh masak masak.. you had me reminiscing about my fav childhood play.. second to paper dolls! :p

Anonymous said...

Hmm, just looking at the food in the pics is making me hungry!

Anonymous said...

wah impressive! (even if pretend)
hey do you use cooked rice for the pilaf (in the recipe) or do you just put in the uncooked rice? (Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question..I wanna try someday!) :)

Anonymous said...

phil: oh. real-eat for sure!

jun: hahaha. it must be a sign. i never even took one look at all the masak masak thingies i have!

cdr: when i scroll through other blogs' food posts, i get sudden cravings too!

corsage: the vegetables in the pot are already saute...then put in the uncooked pilaf grains, coat it in the oil (olive) and vege, add in the salt and the wine. sort of fry the rice for a minute, then add chicken/vege soup stock. finally, add mussels.

sereneannabelle said...

i wouldn't know how to cook shellfish. it's always been chicken beef pork and vegies everytime. hahaha

Anonymous said...

gooodshithappens: naah. we got bored. and surfed the internet for recipes. then pray very hard we don't get it too wrong!