Monday, May 14, 2007

Naked Neighbors

The thing about living in an apartment block in the urban jungle- the flats are built like lego bricks. The brilliant architect had the windows perfectly aligned to see straight into someone else's living room, bedroom and bathroom.

The perfect voyeuristic spot is the balcony. Day or night, I can see right into the neighbors' homes. The neighbors love their big flat screen plasma tvs. In the evenings, I can quite easily see what's on the goggle box. The next door neighbor's windows are so close that when I stand at the side of my balcony, I can just stretch over to pass him a drink.

It's quite entertaining to see humans pottering around their homes and I imagine their life for the week. But it's quite something else to see naked humans pottering around the rooms. All.The.Time.

As some of you would know, at any given hour, any day, a 10-minute stint out at the balcony will give you 2 random flats with naked humans lolling about. I'm sure the neighbors can look right into our flat the way I occasionally look into theirs. UNINTENTIONALLY.

The best part is their bathrooms. The bath tubs are built right next to the window. So many bathrooms don't bother putting the shades down. I guess they want to look out into the horizon while they soak. Fine. I ain't saying anything about an empty bathroom. I ain't saying anything even if I see them soak in the tub (with the foam and all, there's nothing much to see really...). I just quietly grin when I see them get in and out of the tub.
Ooh, toned butt. Umm...lovehandles.... Ah....saggy boobs. Hmmm....perky. Wow, flat abs!
It's quite interesting that the naked humans are mostly male. Rather.Hot.Males.

Now, I'm not sure if they know it. But the view from my angle allows me to see into the entire bathroom space, including the toilet that's not too far away from the tub.

So I gag at seeing them pee and poo. I wanted NOT to look. But I happened to glance that way and my mind unwittingly registered the scene. I just couldn't tear myself away. When the mind absorbed what the eyes saw, I scrunched up my face in delightful disgust.

EiooowW. Gross! 
Do they really think that no one can see them?!!!

Now, everytime I'm out on the balcony, I've this feeling that's a mixture of bad bad curiosity and morbid fascination/fear of what I might chance onto. I've got one heck of a panoramic view from the balcony. I'll be damned if I don't get out there daily to breathe the fresh air. I just have to make this conscious effort to look up or look far, but not right or left.

Just as well. I don't really want to walk into anyone at the carpark, get the shock of my life and stutter,

"Oh! You are the one who don't use toilet paper when you poo!"
Next time, I'll tell you about the topless sunbathing happening at the lap pool.

And no, you may not stay over at my balcony.


Anonymous said...

O. One Big "O".

Wow. Heh.

domestic rat said...

I MUST share this post with MM.... if u know what I mean... hahah!

kikare said...

good Big Brothers anytime you what it. What more can you ask for?

this post is hilarious!

sinlady said...

So many naked neighbours? I love this post. LOL

littlecartnoodles said...

Don't try to be cute.

We want to hear about topless sunbathing NOW !!!

Anonymous said...

what??!! all these and you don't talk about the sunbathing??! bad tease you are.

out of it out with it!

damn. now i'm going right home to check all window angles!

Anonymous said...

ahahahhaa!! i bet you're not going to 'report' them for indecent exposure!

did u read that in the papers some time back. goodness. pple actually took offence and called the police!

shuhuiii said...

if i were yoo i will stare too. and maybe have a mental logbook of the tasks they have/have not completed for the day. haha!

=^..^= said...

Hot naked males soaking in the tub?! PHOTOS PLEASE!!!!!

~5-Cat Style

zewt said...

if they are mostly males and you happened to see them most of the time... perhaps they all want you to see them... after all, like you said... flat abs!!!!


Little Miss Snooze said...

guys are more exhibitionists! :P

Anonymous said...

Dang! You are indeed, one lucky girl!

I wanna see toned butts and flat abs too! Lol..

But er, no thanks to poo-ing and pee-ing time please. Or worst, wiping or washing! Eww!

Suzie Wong said...

To Queenie,

I remember 2 incidences when police or new paper were called..

1st was a couple in their late 40s (i think)...from the pictures showing their thighs down, they were covered with cellulites and five cents, ten cents (spots and bruises)

2nd was a man in his 80s and he strips stark nakid only when he knows a woman was looking in the direction of his room. If you think he is not sane, he knew how to open his wardrobe door and hide next to it while doing this act so as to shield himself from his family members who were at the living room....wouldn't you call the police too? Lol

Carrie said...

Have you seen anyone in the act?

You know, if you turn off your lights, they can't see you looking at them. Hehee.

imp said...

meteor: no no no. NO!

dr: oooooh. heh.

kikare + sinlady: they ARE really quite hot!

lcn + andrew: i gotta go do a body count to see %tage of topless sunbathing happening this weekend.

queenie: no lah. i won't report them. they're not offending MY senses! i don't think they're doing it on purpose. it's just a natural thing for them. i'd love to walk naked ard my house too. it's liberating!

shuhuiii: cannot cannot! i don't go into memorizing their details!!

5-cat-style: i'd love to show you... but first, i need my SLR and tele-lens to capture it! AND pray i don't get spotted!

zewt: heeeeeee. i love the flat abs. seriously. there's like this home gym in one flat and he works out so much in the buff.

lms: oooh! i think so too!

cherie: haizzz...i also see the wiping....UGH.

suzie w: ahahahahahah!!! your comment is hilarious!!!!!! i can't stop laughing now!!!!

carrie: now, that's the thing. i haven't seen anyone in any acts at all!!!!! curious modesty we have here...

Jo said...

I live in a landed prop so I must remember this when I move into the condo. And I must remember to tell D about this too. LOL!

imp said...

jomel: they also tell me that if u place mirrors in strategic places in the house, u can see round corners too!! LOL!!!! moral of story: spend money on curtains. VERY THICK CURTAINS!!!

Ms Fair Face said...

LOL I used to have a sec school mate whose place overlooked the changi prison and she would tell me she could see such stuff easily anytime! And those tattoos are one of those that turn her on. ahem.

imp said...

mff: woooo! heh.

Anonymous said...

*woot* Hilarious. Your balcony has voyeuristic appeal.. LOL. And despite your sentence about looking up or looking far, I reckon you'd still be looking out. Such is the nature of use humans.

imp said...

yellow: shhhhhh. ;p

Anonymous said...

ooooh. such a big deal here!! dare i ask...expats?

Ally said...

they dont use toilet paper when they poo?!?!

imp said...

gerbera: spot on.

orientalQ: i didn't see lehhhhh...... eiooowww. but he stepped into the shower right after....maybe that counts for something?!

Jemej said...

WAHAHAHAHA this is one of the most interesting reads that had me burst out laughing!!!!!

imp said...

jemej: heeeeeeeeeeee. :)