Monday, May 07, 2007

Not Pretty, But Back In Action

Dude, you definitely need a leg wax.
Anyway, my point is, the man's
3 incisions have closed properly. The last of the weeping wounds has healed rather nicely. His knee brace is now rotated to allow the knee a 90º flex.

He ain't going trekking in Mustang or in-line skating anytime soon. But he's good for massages already. He's booked for a pedicure next week. Vigorous activities prove no challenge to creativity on our part. Driving's not a problem. Shuffling around with a determined Imp indulging in one rare, protracted shopping spree brought no pain to the knee.

Negotiating steep staircases however, iS.a.BiG.problem.STiLL.
He's thinking about starting physio real soon. We think that a daily swim's the key to less jelly-like muscles. So he's all sorted and grumbling about going back to working in an office.
(Together with the rest of us slaving away at the salt mills in expectation of the annual performance bonus...duE.SOON.)

But he needs to keep this brace on for another couple of weeks. His office and the many places he frequents, bear torturous, treacherous steps.


Dawn said...

Yay! Glad he's better.

Anonymous said...

looks good. goodness. if u wanna say sex, say it!!!!! muahahaha. *wink*

Anonymous said...

leg wax. i second that.

sinlady said...

I am with jazzgal there *haha*

Swimming is a good start. No chance of jarring that knee.

Anonymous said...

ooh. i cannot wait for the bonus to remind me how little i'm being valued by my organization!

KaiRiNu said...

glad your man's recovering well...swimming is definately a good start..all the best!

Anonymous said...

and i can't wait for mine to remind myself why i've no life and therefore i'm a slave to the firm.

b.muse said...

Wahaha, I was cracking up at your veiled generalised descriptions. :p

Great to know he's better.. Swimming is good, and best part is you love it as well, so should be fun recovery. :)

imp said...

dawn: me too!

gerbera: he will NEVER do it!!!hahahaha.

jazzgal + sinlady: aiyoh. heh.

dainty d + meteor: so depressing. there's just no pleasing humans, is there?!

kairinu: thanks! hope ur head's better!

jun: hoping the weather holds!

^cherie said...

Lol.. i thought i was the only one with a dirty mind! Nice twist, imp ;)

Jo said...

no, I donch want to see a bigger grosser image. Tq. But I am still here. Trying to catch up on blogs now. Good to know that your man is recovering well. :)

Ms Fair Face said...

glad he is fine now! I totally understand how painful it is if the wound is not properly healed. Swimming definitely helps move those limbs! :)

imp said...

cherie: bad girl. bad girl!!

jomel: hehehe.

msfairface: thanks!

Anonymous said...

goodness. NO LEG WAX FOR GUYS. unless it's for sports purpose. ugh.