Tuesday, July 31, 2007

No Space At All

This is one issue I feel very very strongly about.

This is
the personal viewpoint that I dread to hear from a member of the Young PAP. Yes. There is a disclaimer that all writing does not represent the party's official take. But it makes my hair stand on ends to know that he will be hard pressed to push his views across to the percentage of the electorate who will most likely share his opinions to differing extents.

He makes no claim that he's offering an alternative point (pun intended) for the sake of discussion. In all intent, he puts forth his views because "[t]Their [gay] ways represent an alternative for which we should not accept as being mainstream."

With years of thorough legal training behind him, he ought to have a finely honed mind that is open to cold logic. Yet he has chosen to frame his points (arguments) with the stink of what I can only term as 'bigotry'.

His rationale left no space, no ledge for 'the others' to have a right to live in society. He's leaving no space for 'the others' to have a right to live their life in their private realm even. He sounded as though he would have them cower under the rock; heavily pinned by the criminal code of this country.

If he is the future of PAP, can I trust him to put aside his personal opinions and objectively do what's best for society? I'm aware that he might be what the PAP could possibly stand for. And I feel a deep sense of dread.

Are gays not humans too?

Nowhere in his post recognized them as contributing members of the society. There is no compassion in there for 'deviants'.

This post sort of sums up how I feel.

Heartache, I feel.

And a gnawing stab of dismay in my gut.

Empty, I feel.


Anonymous said...

I am not surprised at all. Even though MM Lee has said that they shouldn't be acting as moral police with regards to gay sex, I think this young PAP personal view is probably the take of the party as a whole. There's a value they tag to us citizens. Like what they're saying that the gays can't (not don't want) procreate so cannot be accepted into mainstream.

Anonymous said...

what about space for the other alternatives in society?

the bisexuals??!!! wahahaha.

or seriously, for pple like me who does not wish to conform to the govt's 'motto' of procreation? but they can't hate me because i contribute damn alot of paying taxes????!

Anonymous said...

MM Lee can say whatever he wants. it's called pr.

the real shit is handed down to the gahmen to clean up.

Anonymous said...

i can't disassociate him and YPAP.

he posted on the YPAP blog for goodness sake. the disclaimer is an oxymoron designed to protect themselves and change nothing even though they offer their opinions in a personal capacity.

for a lawyer, i expect him to argue his points more convincingly. but he didn't. surprising. i am of the view that he 'spoke from his heart'.

which IS scary. damn disturbing.

Anonymous said...

there is this idea that gays are rampant sexually indiscriminate beings.

but is there really any difference between them and the sexually indiscriminate heterosexuals? is sex without procreation so morally wrong?

and gays shouldn't be view as sexually indiscriminate just because a minority is like that. most are not. well, at least i speak for myself and some friends. we live, we eat, we work, we PAY TAXES, we suffer dating angst and fidelity issues and commitment ideals too.

i admit it might be against religious mores. but fact is, many are also made like this way. it's not a matter of nurturing ourselves to be different, to go over the dark side, so to speak. dare i say that's also the way God made us? so how is that so so wrong?

Anonymous said...

this YPAP blogger's reply in the comments' section are most disturbing than the post itself.

i thought/hoped he was playing the devil's advocate. oh but no! he speaks honestly. straight from the heart. no doubt about it.

well, that is his personal viewpoint. it's to respect it too, ain't it? we only have a problem if he's part of the ruling elite and seeks to pass this bill or whatever in parliament.

Anonymous said...

so there should be religious tolerance in singapore. practised. exhorted. supported.

but there is no tolerance for mavericks and deviants.

imp said...

read your opinions.

you know, i feel like i'm watching LOST Season III/IV.


Yee-wei Chai said...

It's good to see so many people of logic while living in this land ruled by a narrowminded party. After I wrote in my blog about how "Gek Sim" I was after reading this yPAP post, the 1st comment I received was one that attacked my viewpoint. But am I glad to see logic and common sense prevail in subsequent comments and other blogs like yours :D

imp said...

yee-wei: hope i didn't get ur name wrong! there are always 2 sides to an argument. i rarely take strong stands. or rather clear stands. esp when it comes to political issues. unless i believe deeply in it. and this is one belief that stems from logic. :)

Anonymous said...

i don't think gay people ever asked to be the mainstream. they just want to be accepted. when you don't even need to make a point and tell people that you're gay.

imp said...

kikare: yes. that's it! yet they choose to make it an issue of Section 377A and making it seem that being gay = promiscuous = bad for society = blatant tearing of social fabric. wrong wrong wrong to be different. sigh.

Anonymous said...

hahaha. impy. good one on LOST season III. the others and not eh?!!

wildgoose said...

It is very dismaying indeed to read that post. I hope the party reads the comments and take those views to heart.

sinlady said...

I can see why my recently deceased friend chose to stay in the closet till the end. His fear of persecution from bigots like the YPAP writer is justified.

domestic rat said...

Why am I not surprised? :P

imp said...

how lucky we don't do burning at stakes anymore.

Anonymous said...

this form of unfounded ignorant persecution is only marginally less reprehensible than actual burning at the stake. at least in the bad old days, they gave you some sort of trial, and they had to look you in the eye as they lit the straw. these days, the witchhunters just need to type words into a computer - words that burn.

i cannot imagine how another human being can hate another human being, purely by virtue of his or her sexual orientation. sorry, but it's beyond my comprehension. das not compute.