Friday, January 23, 2009

Ginger Tales

I had a grand time laughing at a dear friend's blog post.

She marvelled at the different types of ginger in the supermarket and took a photo of it. The caption below the photo read:

"There was mango ginger, lesser ginger (which makes you wonder if the other gingers laugh at it), tumeric and other roots."

I had to beep her on msn. Seeing this was a late night conversation, I bet you we made perfect sense to a third party.

imp says: "lesser ginger (which makes you wonder if the other gingers laugh at it)," Priceless!
imp says: versus lesser mortals.

scully says: well didn't it make you wonder?

imp says: i think i better be a normal ginger.

scully says: Normal Ginger : HA. You Lesser Ginger you
scully says: *Lesser Ginger moves to back of line*

imp says: normal ginger might end up at le cordon bleu.
imp says: lesser ginger ends up at the zi char stalls.

scully says: poor Lesser Ginger
scully says: but then again they all end up dead. so maybe it doesn't matter!

imp says: OH DEAR.

scully says: tis true
scully says: as Lesser Ginger and Normal Ginger are parted for the last time. and Lesser Ginger says, "it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known"

scully says: or really the whole thing does Lesser Ginger say , "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known"
scully says: then poor Lesser Ginger loses his head on the chopping block
scully says: *clomp*

imp says: i'm convulsing in hideous laughter right now.

scully says: tsk, tsk, poor Lesser Ginger's death is a laughing matter?
scully says: i propose we observe a moment of silence for all gingers, great and lesser.

If anyone wonders why we were having this sort of conversation, it all stemmed from this great flurry of insensitivity.


dsowerg said...

Ah, that was one of my favourite quotes... massacred unfortunately by scully.

Little Miss Snooze said...

Lesser Ginger :: And I know I am for greater things. I want to be chopped by a Le Cordon Bleu trained chef.

imp said...

eveline: HEH. we all love that line. so much.

lms: muahahahhaha!!!!