Due to a confluence of factors these two weeks, we had many snacks and bottles of sake lugged home all the way from Japan piled up at the office.
Again, due to unforseen circumstances beyond our control, we had to have a secret gathering where the main aim of attendees was to sip the gift of sweet sake. Erm...after work hours, in the office. Sake is so much easier to drink unchilled than wine.
We rummaged through the food corner for snacks. We weren't starving but something to nibble on would be nice. We eyed another gift of vacuum-sealed dried(?) scallops. The individually packed scallops looked so so gross. But once we popped them into the mouth, the sweet but salty scallops went swimmingly with sweet sake. Happiness.

i've tried these scallops recently! hahaha they certainly taste better than they look :D
At first glance, they look like stuff that would send you straight to hospital. Since it was given by a reliable friend (and what if she asked?), i tried one. Pretty good actually.
the scallops are awesome!
my first one was in 2006 and have not looked back since then. i can pop many many at 1 go :P
shuhuiii + anon@ 10.17pm: apparently there're different grades of these scallops and each taste different. now i'm almost curious to go track it down and buy them all to try!
cherie: HEH. i'm just discovering them. i can only pop them with sake. think it wouldn't go too well with whisky, unless it's a young single malt.
fwah, I'm away less than 2 weeks and so many things going on, huh?
kachunknorge: U IS BACK! i must catch up with all your adventures!
omg, i luv those scallops, bought a whole pack home from tokyo last mth. yah, they do look kinda gross at first.
i also can't get enough of those sweet japanese liquor.
Omg. Those are my favorite scallops! Yums...
cavalock: wieeeeeee. happy chewing!
chick: really so nice meh???! i like it with sake, not on its own though.
I tried those scallops many years ago when I was in Tokyo. Nice~
iceaster: very ingenious of the japanese.
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